by Carlo Cuesta | Jun 2, 2011 | Board Engagement, Resource Development
In the May 1st online edition of the Chronicle of Philanthropy a headline stated: “Charities Give Boards Little Training in Fund Raising, Study Finds.” I would argue that most board members do not want training in fund raising. They didn’t join our organizations...
by Carlo Cuesta | May 26, 2011 | Board Engagement, Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation
Here’s a simple way to find out. In a middle of a board meeting, look at the people around the table and ask yourself: Does the quality of this discussion match the quality of people? Granted, “quality” is fairly subjective. Yet, it is pretty easy to...
by Carlo Cuesta | May 17, 2011 | Board Engagement, Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation
This installment of the Sixty-Second Strategy covers a quick exercise to help organizations define the value they create and deliver to the communities they serve. For more information, go to the related post entitled Owning Your Place in the Community. Also,...
by Carlo Cuesta | May 17, 2011 | Board Engagement, Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation, Great Nonprofit Examples, Resource Development
[The following is an excerpt from a keynote I gave to the Southern Minnesota Nonprofit Summit.] Fifteen years ago this week was when I arrived in Minnesota to become the Executive Director of The Playwrights’ Center. My wife and I were newly married. We drove 900...
by Carlo Cuesta | Nov 18, 2009 | Board Engagement, Resource Development
[This posting appeared as an article in the Fall 2009 edition of Guild Notes, the quarterly newsletter published by The National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts] “We’re not a fundraising board.” If I had a nickel every time board members have said this to me, I...
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