
We are advisors to superheroes. 

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Ability Redefined — The Courage to Elevate Your Cause

We’ve been working with Opportunity Partners since last summer. The folks on their team (both board and staff) are outstanding collaborators. From the get go they took a hard look at what was already an excellent organizational identity and recognized that they needed to expand its relevance beyond their participants, family members, and partners to a wider public. In short, they wanted to elevate their cause from self-sufficieny for people with disabilities to transforming the potential of people with disabilities into community opportunity– “proving the everyone, when given an opportunity, can add value to our world.”

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Three Steps for Successful Individual Donor Cultivation

We often hear how hard it is to ask for money, but rarely does anyone tell us how hard it is to generate prospect leads or to educate those prospects. In fact, if you are successful at generating leads and educating them– closing become the easiest part. We have been using the above model as a simple way of explaining successful individual donor cultivation.

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