Your Best Life, Your Way – Disability Hub MN

Apr 15, 2024 | Case Studies, Feature, Feature-HHS | 0 comments

When the Disability Linkage Line, through the Minnesota Department of Human Services, began to re-envision its services, they centered the voices of hundreds of individuals with disabilities and their families to be a part of the process. Learn how Disability Hub MN was created and how the voices of individuals and families are still central to this free statewide resource.


Disability HUB MN, originally known as the Disability Linkage Line, serves as a pivotal resource in Minnesota, offering guidance and services to individuals with disabilities. The initiative to rebrand and enhance its services was driven by the need to more accurately reflect the dynamic and diverse needs of its community.

Community Engagement Strategy

Key to the project’s success was the utilization of in-depth outreach and research efforts to develop solutions co-created with stakeholders. This approach is rooted in Creation In Common’s philosophy of “leveraging the nature of change,” recognizing that effective solutions emerge from the community’s own voice and vision. The project’s methodology emphasized iterative interaction with stakeholders. By engaging the community at multiple stages of the redesign process, Disability HUB MN could adapt its strategies based on real-time feedback,

The Virtual Insight Panel (VIP)

A pivotal outcome of these engagement efforts was the formation of the Virtual Insight Panel (VIP). Comprising 150 stakeholders from various races, backgrounds, and abilities, the VIP exemplifies a successful model of inclusive, ongoing dialogue. This panel is not just a feedback mechanism but a cornerstone of Disability HUB MN’s decision-making process, ensuring that services are continually refined and responsive to user needs.

Outcomes and Impact

The transformation into Disability HUB MN has significantly enhanced the organization’s reach and effectiveness, establishing a model for other service organizations aiming to incorporate deep community involvement in their operational ethos. The ongoing dialogue with the VIP continues to shape the organization’s policies and practices, reflecting a true partnership by centering the voice of individuals with disabilities.


The Disability HUB MN case study underscores the power of shared creativity and strategic community engagement in transforming service delivery. By centering the voices of those it serves, the organization has not only improved its services but also set a standard for inclusivity and responsiveness.

For further details about Disability HUB MN and its services, visit

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